Pump on a Longboard: The Ultimate Guide to Longboard Pumping Techniques

Longboarding is not only a fun activity, but it also provides an excellent workout for the entire body. One of the most fundamental skills to master while longboarding is pumping.

Pumping refers to the act of using your body weight to propel yourself forward on the board without pushing off the ground. By mastering this skill, you can cover more distance with less effort and achieve higher speeds without losing momentum. In this article, we will provide you with the ultimate guide to longboard pumping techniques.

Longboarding has become a popular activity among people of all ages. It is a great way to explore your surroundings and stay active. Longboard pumping is a fundamental skill that every longboarder should master.

By learning how to pump, you can cover more distance with less effort and achieve higher speeds without losing momentum. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about longboard pumping.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Basics of Longboard Pumping
    • What is Pumping?
    • Why is Pumping Important?
    • Types of Pumping
  3. The Proper Longboard Setup for Pumping
    • The Right Board for Pumping
    • The Right Trucks for Pumping
    • The Right Wheels for Pumping
  4. How to Pump on a Longboard: Step-by-Step Guide
    • Stance and Posture
    • Upper Body Movement
    • Lower Body Movement
    • Foot Placement
  5. Advanced Pumping Techniques
    • Carving
    • Pumping on Hills
    • Pumping for Speed
  6. Tips and Tricks for Better Longboard Pumping
    • Relax Your Body
    • Look Ahead
    • Practice Regularly
  7. Common Mistakes to Avoid While Pumping
    • Poor Posture
    • Incorrect Foot Placement
    • Overcompensating
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs

1. Understanding the Basics of Longboard Pumping

What is Pumping?

Pumping refers to the act of using your body weight to propel yourself forward on the board without pushing off the ground. This involves shifting your weight from one foot to the other while using your upper and lower body movements to generate momentum.

Why is Pumping Important?

Pumping is an essential skill to master because it allows you to cover more distance with less effort. It is also a great way to maintain your speed while longboarding, especially on flat surfaces. By pumping correctly, you can avoid the need to push off the ground, which can be tiring and may slow you down.

Types of Pumping

There are two types of pumping techniques: horizontal and vertical pumping. Horizontal pumping involves generating momentum by shifting your weight from side to side while maintaining a relatively flat board. Vertical pumping involves generating momentum by compressing and extending your body to create a pumping motion.

2. The Proper Longboard Setup for Pumping

The Right Board for Pumping

Choosing the right board for pumping is crucial. A longboard with a flat or mild concave shape is ideal for pumping as it allows for easy weight shifting from side to side. A board with a kicktail may also be useful for pumping as it allows for more maneuverability.

The Right Trucks for Pumping

The right trucks for pumping should be flexible and have a medium to low resistance. This allows for easy weight shifting and helps generate momentum. Tighter trucks may also be used, but they require more effort to turn.

3. How to Pump on a Longboard: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have the proper setup, let's dive into how to pump on a longboard.

Stance and Posture

First, find your comfortable stance on the board. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your front foot should be positioned slightly towards the front trucks. Keep your knees bent, and your core engaged to maintain balance.

Upper Body Movement

Next, focus on your upper body movement. As you shift your weight from one foot to the other, swing your arms in the opposite direction. For example, when you shift your weight to your left foot, swing your right arm forward and your left arm backward. This helps to generate momentum and maintain balance.

Lower Body Movement

Your lower body movement is also crucial in pumping. As you shift your weight from one foot to the other, use your legs to push and pull the board. This creates a pumping motion and generates momentum. Remember to keep your knees bent and your core engaged.

Foot Placement

Lastly, your foot placement is critical in pumping. Your front foot should be positioned slightly towards the front trucks, and your back foot should be positioned over the rear trucks. As you shift your weight from one foot to the other, use your toes and heels to push and pull the board.

4. Advanced Pumping Techniques

Once you have mastered the basics of pumping, you can try some advanced techniques to improve your longboarding experience.


Carving is a technique that involves using your body weight to turn the board while pumping. To carve, shift your weight to the front foot while turning your shoulders and hips towards the direction you want to go. This creates a pumping motion and turns the board in the desired direction.

Pumping on Hills

Pumping on hills requires more effort and technique than flat ground pumping. When approaching a hill, generate momentum by pumping on flat ground before the incline. Once you start climbing, continue pumping by compressing and extending your body to create a pumping motion. This allows you to maintain your speed and momentum while climbing.

Pumping for Speed

Pumping for speed involves generating as much momentum as possible to reach high speeds. To pump for speed, focus on generating a long and smooth pumping motion. Use your entire body to generate momentum, and maintain a consistent rhythm while pumping.

5. Tips and Tricks for Better Longboard Pumping

Here are some tips and tricks to help you improve your longboard pumping technique:

Relax Your Body

Pumping requires a lot of physical effort, so it's essential to keep your body relaxed to avoid fatigue. Remember to breathe deeply and keep your muscles loose while pumping.

Look Ahead

Looking ahead while longboarding helps you anticipate obstacles and maintain balance. Focus on a point in the distance and keep your eyes fixed on it while pumping.

Practice Regularly

Like any skill, pumping requires practice to master. Set aside some time every day to practice your pumping technique, and you'll notice a significant improvement in no time.

6. Common Mistakes to Avoid While Pumping

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while pumping:

Poor Posture

Poor posture can hinder your pumping technique and lead to fatigue. Keep your back straight, and your shoulders relaxed to maintain balance and generate momentum.

Incorrect Foot Placement

Incorrect foot placement can also affect your pumping technique. Make sure your front foot is positioned slightly towards the front trucks, and your back foot is positioned over the rear trucks.


Overcompensating can slow down your pumping technique and cause instability. Focus on generating a smooth and consistent pumping motion.


  1. Is pumping on a longboard easy for beginners?
  • Pumping can be challenging for beginners, but with proper technique and practice, anyone can learn how to pump on a longboard.
  1. How do I know if my longboard is suitable for pumping?
  • A longboard with flexible trucks and soft wheels is ideal for pumping.
  1. Can I pump on a longboard with a kicktail?
  • Yes, you can pump on a longboard with a kicktail, but it may require some adjustments to your pumping technique.
  1. How long does it take to learn how to pump on a longboard?
  • It varies depending on the individual, but with regular practice, most people can learn how to pump on a longboard in a few weeks to a few months.
  1. Is pumping on a longboard faster than pushing?
  • Pumping can be faster than pushing on flat ground, but it requires more effort and technique on hills.
  • Conclusion

    Pumping on a longboard is an essential technique for maintaining speed and momentum without pushing. It requires proper setup, posture, and a smooth pumping motion that generates momentum. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can learn how to pump on a longboard and improve your longboarding experience.

    Remember to practice regularly and avoid common mistakes like poor posture and incorrect foot placement. With enough practice and patience, you can master pumping and take your longboarding to the next level.

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